Friday 4 April 2008

Southland Tales


Have you ever been a victim of an 'inside joke'?
Not about you, but a joke that everyone thinks its laugh out loud funny, but you?

"This is how the world Ends. Not with a Whisper, but with a Bang"
What if a terrorist attempt in 2005, to nuke Texas did go through? (actual event in our time, was stopped not by our countries Counter Terrorist skills, but do to Al-Quedas idiocy).
The World is in Disarray, the upcoming election holds everything, war, economy, and all of this is in the lap of a few people. The Rock, and Stiffler.

why the vague Synopsis? Well, any more info may ruin the movie for you. But then again, the Therese on real movie in the first place. Back to the intro of 'not getting the inside joke', this film is actually a Satire of every single genre. You have the 'Deep' Sci-Fi, Action, Suspense, drama.... everything, but yet nothing.
The film has no progression outside of its Odd (albet on purpose) Castings of The Rock (wuss/nerd) Stiffler (deep, silent cop) Jon Lovitz (hard boiled Killer) and among many more missed matched characters like Justine Timberlake as a former war correspondence/sniper.
If this film was supposed to be a joke, then to who is the joke aimed at? To the actors, duped to make fun of themselves? the Audience who are tricked to think this movie was 'deep' and 'insightful', to what it really is?
I think it accomplished the goal of disappointing the audience in all manner but yet is charming enough to warrant a viewing.

Riko's Review: C+

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