Friday 18 April 2008

The Slayers

1995- Fantasy/Japanese Animation
O-Nostalgia, how great is your sting.
I remembered watching this series in 1997 and it blowing my young mind with the quality of story, characters, and zainny antics. 11 years later, it is difficult to not get back into my old skin and imagine myself back into my old dark room that was formally a closet, and wet myself with yoohoo.

In a fantasy world filled with dragons, wizards, goblins, and orcs we have our hero, Lina Inverse, known as a treasure hunter and bandit slayer (among other things). In her persute for riches and happiness (resulting in riches) she is met by traveling companions and a mysterious figure pulling her strings unknowing of this villains master plan of resurrecting the Demon God of Darkness.

This series did not age well through the years. The animation was at best 'standard' for its time but standard back then translates to a little bit better than 'Bad' today. The art direction can be said the same, nothing amazing. If anything, this was a time when anime wasn't big money and people that directed and worked on this genre did it mostly for fun and labor of love. With all the nasty part said and done, the Characters are still funny, the jokes are relevant, and the life and spirit of Lina and company is by far something that today's industry lacks, charm and a real relationship between several drawn characters.

Riko's Series Rating: B+

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