Saturday 5 April 2008



I rented this film with a false idea of what this film was. I was wrongly informed that the film was about an alternate future where Hitler wins the war, but ultimately fails in his own doing. Well, I don't know were i got that false info, but once i find out, I'll burn her/his children's genitalia.

Its the last leg of the 2nd World War, Hitler takes to his last strong hold in Berlin in a last stand off. The film shows in detail how the last few weeks of Hitler and the 3rd Reich power spiral out of control in the perspective of a Doctor, Hitlers Secretary, Close Generals, and a Child. How a once proud strong country puts all their Faith on their 'Savior' to pull them through, and how their 'Savior' breaks down in the pressure of keeping his cool and living up to his countries Faith in his Larger than life Responsibilities.

It is an amazing thing to have a film focused on the 'Other Side' of the War, especialy withough looking sympathetic/Hitler Lover, or a Comedic pathetic Joke. This film shows Hitler as a human being making decisions in his belief would be for the better of not just Germany but for all mankind. It also portraise Aldof as a man torn in 2 identities, Aldof, caring man obsessed with love for his people, caring the burden of the future of Germany, and Fuhrer, a heartless/ruthless man that demand order, dicipline, and burning rage toward the Communists/Jews. This film was a great visual treat in showing an actual Aldof Hitler and the Germans pure faith in an idealistic man. Amazing film, a must see for anyone who is a into History.

Riko's Rating: A+

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