Friday 4 April 2008

The Constant Gardener

2005- Drama

Another 'Forced' film that i was constantly bugged with. All the Supposed 'Film' Geniuses tell me to watch this because if i dont then i may not actually have a 'soul' (or if i was atheist i dont have 'life energy').

Story of a man and wife going to Africa being Diplomats for the U.K. The wife then discover a dirty secret between the Pharmaceutical companies and the illegal testing of un-safe products on the natives. The wife is stopped and its up to the husband to pick up the peaces, and see the truth all the way through.

At first thought, this film is nothing more that guilting those 'white mans burden' and supposed showing how good we have it here in America and shocking the viewers into wanting to make a difference. That is were the Film was in the beginning then the actual plot sinks in. You get great performances from both lead actors, and a feeling that you are discovering the clues with the leads. This film tugs on all the heart strings but fails with a real sense of character depth. You get everything in the surface, nothing deeper.

Riko's Rating: B+

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