Friday 2 May 2008

13: Game of Death


The saying goes that you shouldn't look at a book by its cover. The cover I saw at my local Walmart didn't do this film justice. It was more of a 'Saw' like cover(Below).

So by finding the 'International' version, (Left) This image would be better suited for the film.

After being fired from his job as a salesman in Bangkok, Chit is in need of money to support his lifestyle and family. He receives a mysterious phone call asking Chit to do 13 tasks, each one more extreme than the other. How far does he go to live the life he thinks he deserves.
Totaly unexpected plot, especialy coming from an unknown unproven country like Thailand. The story of a 'down on his luck' innocent guy given a horrible choice to make a change in his life is a story that i can never get enough of. Possibly its because of the theme hitting so close to home, forcing the viewere to think, how much money or what would i give up to get something i truly think i deserve. This film handles that topic properly and with justice, withough getting to the absurd and mearly getting on with the sensless killing/shock treatment. Sure there are lots of loose plot threads, and key directing/story telling mistakes but hay, this came from a country that is new to the Cinema Arts.

Riko's Rating: B

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