Saturday 31 May 2008

King of California


This film was never on the radar up until I saw the cover of the DVD in my local Target. The cover was interesting enough to have me read the preface and since then I knew i should view this film.
Unfortunately Netflix is the kind of system that keeps one waiting a while so that by the time I finally received the film on mail (2months later... yea i have a long list) I came into this film with no hype and no expectation outside of this film going to be weird, but with the mood that i'm in, I'm more currently into gritty detective noir at this point, and this film is totally the opposite.

A fresh-out-of-the-mental institution father and his emancipated teenage daughter venture together on a quest for an ancient Spanish treasure buried beneath their local Costco in this take on the modern family and the American dream.

I am sceptical of films trying to be 'Independent' for 'Independent Film' sake. It seems to be a big trend in todays 'Hollywood' movies. Don't get me wrong i'm loving this movement due to its focus on story telling and outside box thinking. This film has great acting with convincing roles even though the source material was completely unbelievable. This is a must see for the people that wants to see a film not too out of the norm but safe.

Riko's Rating: B-



I first viewed this film back in 1999 and was blown away. It captured the mood and feel of " Leon: The Professional" and yet took advantage of the Animated medium. I had to buy the VHS and for a long time apart of my quintessential of anime.
A few months ago, a co-worker of mine asked for any recommendation and this film immediately popped into mind. The problem was that the co-worker viewed the 'Directors Cut' version which included around 10min. worth of animated porno ruining the film. Be sure to view the 'regular' theatrical release version! you have been warned.

Sawa is a school girl, an orphan, and a hitman. She's under the control of Akai and Kanie, who give her targets to kill, detailing to her the crimes these men have committed. Some of Akai and Kanie's power over Sawa has to do with her deceased parents and a pair of earrings that are her prized possessions. Akai and Kanie bring Sawa in to assist another orphan, Oburi, with a multiple hit. Oburi and Sawa become friends, and this friendship may give Sawa the strength to break from her controllers, whose crimes against her are as abusive as the crimes ascribed to the men they have her kill.

The almost 10years have passed and this film is still amazing. The plot, and animation still remains intact. Again, to view this film in its 'Directors Cut' forum was distracting to the plot and would confuse the viewers, going to the point of loosing its amazing gritty tale of the destruction of the innocent age.

Riko's Rating: B+

The Fist of the North Star

1996-Live Action Adaptation
Gary Daniels
Back when i was in High School my friends and i heard of this version and was immediately disappointed by the choice and horrible track record of most anime turned live action genre and immediately dismissed this film as an immediate flop.
To no ones surprise, it was. Now 12 years later, with a new batch of friends in hand and a different kind of sense of humor, I've finally decided to give this film a chance it never had to disappoint or exceed my wildest expectations (which is still rather low).
Based off of a 1985 Japanese Animated Feature film of the same name (which was based off of a long running comic (manga) series), is about a lone Martial Artist named Kenshiro the Fist of the North Star.
Betrayed by his Best friend, Shin Fist of the Southern Cross, and left for dead in the post apocalyptic desert kenshiro must find his fiance and avenge the wrongs Shin started by following the path of peace through evil means.
What ever the case, the Live action will never do the Animated/Comic series any justice. But as a film in its own manner this was very close to the Source Material (sure it ends with a happy Hollywood ending in under 1hr 40min but c'mon, like they were ever planning for the sequel). This film is a joy to watch with all the proper portions of "B-Cinema" dosages.
Riko's Rating: B

Monday 26 May 2008

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A


Japan-Takashi Miike

I love Miike's work. He is amazing when it comes to camera work, and is great at placing the viewers in odd places. Add this and Miike's insane style of images that no matter how much you try to wash it out with bleach it will haunt you. He is one director that loves controversy and doesn't care about anything but his vision.


An unknown future. A boy confesses to the murder of another in an all-boy juvenile detention facility. More an exercise in style than storytelling, the story follows two detectives trying to uncover the case. Homosexual tension and explosive violence drives the story which delivers some weird and fascinating visuals.

This film is more of an exercise of Directing, testing visual effects and style, but simply no focus on storytelling. This film was a headache to view, with its no nonsense plots of Homosexuality, maturity, heaven, space, and inner torment, o yea, place a murder mystery in there somewhere also and there you have it. This was a visual treat but i tended to fight off sleep and picking my nose just to stay focus on this film that 'Pretends' to be deeper that what it truly is, all show and silence but not depth, keeping things vague and open to viewers interpretation so that the writers didn't have to.

Riko's Rating: D



As soon as I heard that this was one of those "Modern Day Musicals" I knew i had to view this film. With all the hype that this film got with the 'Indy' crowed and Europeans there were some doubts I had, and feared that this film was just one of those films made at the 'Right Place at the Right Time' thing like the 'Blare Witch Project'. So coming into this film, i was in a state of mixed nuts.

An (unnamed) Guy is a Dublin guitarist/singer-songwriter who makes a living by fixing vacuum cleaners in his Dad's Hoover repair shop by day, and singing and playing for money on the Dublin streets by night. An (unnamed) Girl is a Czech who plays piano when she gets a chance, and does odd jobs by day and takes care of her mom and her daughter by night. Guy meets Girl, and they get to know each other as the Girl helps the Guy to put together a demo disc that he can take to London in hope of landing a music contract. During the same several day period, the Guy and the Girl work through their past loves, and reveal their budding love for one another, through their songs.

There is charm in this film and it recognizes the 'Not Too Grand' approach by taking a laid back premise and sticks to a more grounded tale of Guy meets Girl. The film has an organic feel, and characters are relatable and seems genuine, its hard to tell if they are acting or just being themselves, directing was basic and the main star on the film is the music. The music is both haunting and meaningful, the soundtrack is a must for fans of the film.

Riko's Rating: B

Saturday 24 May 2008

When NIetzsche Wept

I have just recently in the past 3 years been exposed to the writings and teaching of Friedrich Nietzsche, well that isn't a complete lie, it's more like what people describe him and commentaries of his works.
In the end you are left with a mythical monster of manly writings and misunderstood aggression. Upon hearing about this film I wanted to see a more 'Human' take on the philosopher.
WHEN NIETZSCHE WEPT gives us an insight into the beginnings of Psychology and particularly the Treatment of Talking as begun not by Sigmund Freud, but instead by the brilliant yet troubled mind of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and the Viennese physician Dr. Josef Breuer. Pinchas Perry adapted the novel by the same name by Irvin D. Yalom and also directs this period piece.
This film did fill the promise of humanizing Nietzsche and seeing the troubled man that he is. The film is shot with low budget everything, the acting is questionable and inconsistent with everyone but Nietzeche and Dr. Breuer. This film says 'made straight to DVD' all over. The writing and dialog is amazing and the 'Light' Nietzsche' philosophy is a great intro for anyone who is interested in his work, but as a film it is lacking if you've never heard of the man.
Riko's Rating: C

Thursday 22 May 2008



In an age when kids believed in being astronauts, neighbors, and parents, this film was one of the most memorable tales. I remembered wrapped around a warm comforter in the living room with my auntie Janette watching this film being amazed by the believable effects and touching storyline of true love overcoming darkness (this too was a time/age where kids believed in true love).
My how this film aged.

A prince and a fellowship of companions set out to rescue his bride from a fortress of alien invaders who have arrived on their home planet.

Its been so long since my world has collapse in itself. It visions of great epic stories of the sad 'Spider Lady' and the tale of the 'Cyclops' which I remember to this day is shattered by the awful acting. As a child I thought the tale of a Valiant Prince who would stop at nothing to find his lost love was nothing more than a crybaby that would rather jump on a dog pile full of naked men than receive a mouth full of love from a fare maiden. My world went Topsy Turvy... enough of this, allow me to pretend the film was glorious like how I saw it in my youth.

Riko's Rating: D

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Appleseed: Ex Machina


If there was anything that is still constant with Sci-Fi and its constant work to advance the genre it would be Japan. Masamune Shirow alone makes up the solid 50% of believable Sci-Fi in Japan alone (thats a jab at all the stupid Giant Robot movies/series with high school chicks) With works like "Black Magic M66, Dominion Tank Police, and Land Lock" Appleseed would have gone the way of obscurity if it wasnt for the re-imagination of it in 2004 experimenting with 3d animation to adapt the world of Olympus. Sad to say the first film back in 1988 wasn't that good but played the themes of what it is to be truly free if you are stuck in a bigger cage, the "Re-Imagined" on in 2004 introduced the themes of what it is to be truly human. Both film dived heavily in those fields but came short in the sense of directing and pacing of the film, equating to both films being Average at best.

Deunan Knute, a young female warrior, and Briareos, a veteran cyborg-soldier, are both partners and lovers. As members of E.S.W.A.T., the elite special forces serving Olympus, they are deployed whenever trouble strikes. During a mission involving several high-ranking E.U. officials held hostage by a group of unknown and heavily-armed cyborgs, Briareos is injured protecting Deunan from an ensuing blast. As a last ditch effort by an injured cyborg, E.S.W.A.T. assigns Deunan a new partner, a bioroid named Tereus. Largely based on Briareos' DNA, Tereus was designed as a prototype for a new kind of fighter bioroid. His appearance is very similar to the way Briareos looked before he became a cyborg. Deunan is not agreeable to the idea of having a new partner, but eventually befriends him.

To say this film was a massive improvement of the first one (well actually both the 1988 and 2004 versions) is like saying getting bit in the groin has slight displeasure's. I enjoyed the masterful art and CGI work of this film where the characters really moved smoother, you get a feeling of weight and impact on fight scenes. But the real star of the movie is the City of Olympus. It looks like a real futuristic city complete with crowds and traffic. The story is interesting enough asking the viewers on what it is to be truly human if you are mostly machine and the dangers of a unified world system. The only grip i have would be the long drawn out story. The movie could have ended 20min earlier if the action scenes didn't go way overboard, don't get me wrong, i love the graphics and movement but it takes away from as opposed to enriching the films story.

Riko's Rating: B-

Saturday 17 May 2008



Its like a dream match come true. Jet Li vs. Jason Statham. Both action stars have great stage presence, and amazing Martial Arts skills in cinematic form. But what about the story?
Something terribly wrong with a movie hype about 2 actors as if they really did fight each other, resembles like the hype wagon of the WWE.
Well, past the hype and excitement what kind of movie do you have?

2 Federal Agents chase after the Fabled 'Rouge', an unknown Assassin used by both the Chinese Triad and Japanese Yakuza. As the War between 2 gangs rise the John's (Statham) partner and family killed. John has now waged his own War on the assassin doing anything possible to avenge his best friend.

Shotguns, Exotic cars, Kung Fu, and random 'stylized club sex' sums up the early pace of the film and ends with a 'Shocking' plot twist to leave the viewer thinking past the movie credits. Typical action cinema with actual research to there credit. I love the backdrop of San Francisco (not just because I live here) but because i think the city itself gives off a certain different energy and hectic fiction. It was entertaining and a joy to watch, the fight scenes were actually not too 'Kung Fu' and has some bit of relevance in actual street fights, and is quite enjoyable.

Riko's Rating: B

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian


The Fantasy genre has been going strong for the past few years, with a special thanks to the "Lord of the Rings" series. Since then every film in the same format copies the style of the predecessor (I'm looking at you 'Eragon'!).

A small handful of movies do reach the mark and the same Epic Scale of 'LotR' and "The Chronicles of Narnia" is a definite contender.

The first film was a great experience introducing the characters, their flaws, as well as the Landscape of Narnia, fully showing you the world that they entered through the wardrobe. If anything it was a nice tale for the whole family, but lacked any real teeth due to its childlike feel and light on violence story took away from the 'Final Battle' in the end of the film, leaving the viewers with a bloodless battle making the event with low stakes.


The kids return to Narnia after 1 year (our time) but their return was a bit of a shock. Their kingdom that they left behind are in ruins, the ones they loved and befriended are long gone and it is 500 years since they last stepped foot in the magical land. The Lion King of Narnia 'Aslan' is but a myth and is not heard from in 500 years as well. An evil kingdom forcing the Narnians into hiding the kids with the help of Prince Caspian must stop the kingdom from destroying whats left of Narnia and bring peace between both lands.


To be completely honest, I really didn't like the first movie. Yea, I know... 'How could you!' or 'Shut that mouth before I give you a sound thrashing' must be the knee jerk reaction from most of you but again, the first film didn't have any bit to it and the battles were neutered due to its 'Safe' childlike sequences.

This film is a far departure from the first one and dips into a darker side of Narnia were the world isn't a friendly place and hope is but a luxury. You fear for the lives of the characters and the people they are responsible for, and in the middle of it you finally find hope. This is a massive improvement on the first film, the lasting effect in its 'Universe' that changes the status quo saying goodbye to characters you've grown to love. It was a delightful surprise making a fan out of me and cant wait for the next instalment.

Riko's Rating: A

Thursday 15 May 2008

The Savages


If it wasn't for my friend I wouldn't have given this movie the light of day. I wasn't really interested of 'White America' and its way of treating the elderly, especially in my relationship with my grandparents and how the family takes care of there own and not just some 'American' mentality of putting them in a home of any sorts. So already I have my flaming arrows aimed at the film from the start, not expecting much with the whole sappy "I wish I was a better father/son/daughter" plot and makes the viewer value its loved ones.

Carrying the emotional scars of an abusive childhood, siblings now have to face the challenges of caring for their dying elderly father, despite their emotional disconnect from each other.

The plot was simple, the Narration was the gold mine of the film. The audience is sympathetic of the siblings and their 'burden' of dealing with a father that was never there. The narration wouldn't have been half as good if it wasn't for the brilliant acting done by Laura Linney and Philip Seymour Hoffman, portraying a realistic brother and sister relationship, and the minor character growth reminding the viewers that the event didn't change the siblings lives in a drastic way, but in the small minute things.
I thought this films acting and smart observation of the 'System' which most people go to of the elderly is interesting in the writing and execution weather I agree with the idea or not.

Riko's Rating: B

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Ebola Sy ndrom


First off; This film CANNOT be 1996, the style, clothing and even the Actor (Anthony Wong) is too young to be this recent. This is a time paradox that i care not research this anytime soon.
Second; I was in the whole 'Asian Shock Cinema' like a few months ago, so this whole movie arrived way too late and out from nowhere, if anything I've been into Barbaric films.
Third; I watched this film expecting far worse and am not 'New' to the 'Asian Shock' genre, so this isn't going to be a rant on how 'New' this is to me, I've seen images and theories far beyond most men.

It all started one fortunate evening with the bosses Wife that led him to a triple Murder/Homicide. Wong flees Hong Kong and ends up as a waiter/cook in South Africa attempting to start anew, but carrying the same old vices. One day upon visiting an African Village he contracts Ebola and becomes a Typhoid Mary of some sort and is the key person on creating an Ebola outbreak in South Africa and Hong Kong.

Again, Its nothing new to me seeing mutilation and rape, or even corps rap, but this film fits the bill. Its almost safe to say that the writers/directors designed this film to be Shock after Shock and fit a story in between. The characters were out of place (note the plot concerning the survived daughter and abruptly ends or the last min. addition of a 'Love' character for Wong), and no development other than proving that Wong is a Corps Rapist and Bloody Bastard. This was a headache to view and just when his antics of masturbating on a slab of meat he shaped to a vagina listening to his bosses sexual intimacy or cooking Ebola riddled victims as hamburger patties the story/plot in between these scenes were dull and just plain retarded. Keep away at all cost no matter how awesome the cover may seem.

Riko's Rating: F-

Mezzo Forte


This is the famed Yasuomi Umetsu's 2nd work. The first one is this movie 'Kite' which was very artistic and quite unprecedented for an unknown anime writer/director. His second attempt is in the same vein but in the realm of heavy comedy and dissfunction.

Momokichi is a brutal baseball owner with mob connections. A mysterious old man hires Mikura and the Danger Service Agency (DSA) to kidnap Momokichi. but the DSA has bigger problems standing in their way, namely Momokichi's daughter Momomi, a young girl with a twisted mind and a loaded gun. Now the DSA must find a way to accomplish their mission without getting slaughtered in the process.

Direction and Artistry is fine. The pacing is breakneck and the plot twists and turns are compelling but if anything this film was a far cry from reaching the mark. Namely the Characters are lost, and undeveloped. I've had problems remembering their names outside of just knowing their descriptions, and attitudes. There was no actual threat of loosing a favorite characters or ones life in jeopardy, which makes the general plot sink in the water. NOT SAFE FOR CHILDREN if you accidentally get the 'Uncut' version. To some way, the 'Uncut' scenes actually distract and confuse the viewers more for a senseless sex scene.

Riko's Rating: C+

Red Sonia

Arnold Schwarzenegger/Brigitte Nielsen

As a young child, watching this movie wowed and amazed me with its beauty, story, and battles. I loved the romance between the characters and always viewed this film like the unofficial 'Conan 3'. Time to see how this movie fared off with its age.

Red Sonia is a girl left for dead by a wicked queen/warlord. Her capture, abuse, and ravishing turned her away from men. As she grew older, she studied the arts of killing and goes on a quest avenging her sisters (amazon priestess) and past, along her way she is meet with a mysterious and powerful stranger (Schwarzenegger) and a young prince & servant.

I would like to say that this film is still better than Conan 2, and I'm glad that the whole sword and sorcery genre is experiencing a comeback and is currently going strong. A classic to the fans of the genre, Finally revealing a woman as a lead roll and not just eye candy or plot device.

Riko's Rating: C

Friday 9 May 2008

Family Guy: Blue Harvest


Family Guy has a special place in my twisted mindheart. I loved the series before it got cancelled, I Loved the Stewie Griffin Movie, but since i no longer have reception for any shows I've been out of the loop. The few episodes i've seen in Family Guy have been hit or miss, and so when they did another movie with the Star Wars Seal of Approval by Lucas himself, this has to be good..... right?

Star Wars: Episode 4 retold in Peters image!

This film was pretty disappointing. Sure they added their quirkiness, and there brand of random humor, but this just felt like a long episode, a long average episode. Once the nostalgia of Star Wars wear off, your just stuck with pop songs and references.

Riko's Rating: D+

The Golden Compass


The random hype this film got by religious folks reached even myself due to a random chain E-Mail of all things.
This film is as blasphemous as Ice Age/Land Before Time (evolution) or Harry Potter series (witchcraft) and Little Mermaid (worship of demigods). Get off it you fools! Sure the book dives into the whole anti organized religion and all 'Free Thinkers' (i.e. elitists that think they are better than everyone else not as smart as them) are glorified.
What we have here is a writer using a hot button issue and putting it on a book knowing people would be interested on his anti-Vatican/God views. No different than Bill Shakespeare or Hemingway.

The the infinite Galaxy's there are infinite universes parallel to our own. Some have slight differences and others extreme (nothing new to comic book readers). In this universe souls are not inside the person but beside him, called Daemons. This universe is ruled by a tightfisted Religious organization named Magisterium, and instills a Monotheistic god and looks down upon science and forces control.
Lyra (little orphan girl) is set for a task to find/rescue her kidnapped friend and meet new comrades discovering the mysteries of the Golden Compass and a prophecy yet unrevealed.

It is interesting that a book that received so much notice about anti religion, and that the Movie tried to keep the religious tones to a minimum. What you do get is an interesting coming of age movie with a grander/epic Sci-Fi/Fantasy tale. I enjoyed this film for its visuals (all polar bears must wear armor from this day forward!), average acting, and amazing war sequences keeping the violence true and harsh but maintaining the PG-13 rating without having tons of blood and decapitations. I liked the film, though it felt like it was all set up and not a complete film (duh! i know its a trilogy, but c'mon, that doesn't excuse a solid tale with tied up loose ends) but I do enjoy the perfect blend of children's story and Sci-Fi/Fantasy with balls!

Riko's Rating: B

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Iron Man


This is it. After an Average Animated Straight to DVD movie, and horrible other attempts this film NEEDED the most help it can get. Alot of things MUST come together; the Armor/CGI in making it look believable, Story (and not being dorky/kiddie), and Acting/Directing.
I came into this film trying to avoid as much hype as possible, which is very hard in this day and age where one merely needs to look at their Refrigerator TV and see whats on the commercial, or People posting trailers on Myspace.

Tony Stark is a child prodigy of a brilliant inventor/scientist. His corporation is the #1 arms maker for the worlds military technology, then one day in an oversees venture, he is captured and tortured, he See's the world in another perspective, and his only means of escape is to use his brain power in creating a suit of armor.
Upon Escaping he is a new man with a new goal in wanting to change the world for the better as the Iron Man.

Quite possibly the greatest current Comic Book Movie made. Everything DID fall into place. The acting was amazing, the script was a machine gun of treasures to catch (if one is attentive), Directing was on pace, every shot showed depth and took the viewers into Tony Starks world and made it seem possible for a man to fly in a metallic Red and Gold suit. The only grip I find is that it is made as a comic book movie with the forced "Final Showdown" with Iron Monger Vs. Iron Man. This film was interesting enough with the political/corporate espionage and his vendetta of getting rid of the world of his own creations all to shift all the blame on a "Bad Guy" almost absolving Stark of majority of the blame, which takes away from the character.
But that is a minor gripe, due to the Fight Scene itself was amazing, far better than the Transformer Movies (you can actually see the fight!). This is a great film, weather you are a Comic Book fan or not, it is a movie to view and enjoy.

Riko's Rating: A+

Saturday 3 May 2008


This verifies the claim that 2007 was the Manliest year for movies.
Its amazes me that I took this long to view such a film. Possibly due to everyone telling me that I NEED TO SEE this film! I guess I hated being classified and being placed on a 'Riko would love this cuz he's predictable'. I piss on this notion so i rejected their references and demands like i resisted all their mothers advances!
Beowulf is a traveling adventurer, he feasts, he kills, and penetrates women with reckless abandon. He is summoned to kill a Grendel that haunts the kingdom which sets fates calling for this warriors destiny.

The universal understating of Beowulf is that god took a dookie. In this dookie is our solar system floating in the wet toilet bowl we call a Galaxy. Beowulf will be the conqueror of anything out of gods anus.
Everything in this film was perfect. Voice acting; superb. Animation at some moments looked real, the only distracting moment was when we are greeted with Angelina Jolie, sure she is a wet dream manifested to skin and lips, but it takes away from the rest of the film and reminding viewers this is animated.
I love this film. Nuff Said.
Riko's Rating: A+

Lars and the Real Girl

This film was recommended by a Co-Worker. It peaked my query when i saw the trailer, I though that this would be a Dark Comedy. This and mix in my current addiction with strange/oddities.
Lars is a quiet man living in his family garage in small town America. Everyone is concerned with his well being when Lars brings in a 'Love Doll' (with anatomically correct parts) named Bianca introducing her as his girlfriend.
This film is so uncomfortably touching. Subtle emotional moments with nothing more than Lars listening to his 'Love Doll' makes one really feel the concern and depth in Lars mental condition. The film is really about people connecting and uniting together helping out a friend/loved one. This is an incredibly touching film about Love and growing up at your own pace.
Riko's Rating: A

Friday 2 May 2008

13: Game of Death


The saying goes that you shouldn't look at a book by its cover. The cover I saw at my local Walmart didn't do this film justice. It was more of a 'Saw' like cover(Below).

So by finding the 'International' version, (Left) This image would be better suited for the film.

After being fired from his job as a salesman in Bangkok, Chit is in need of money to support his lifestyle and family. He receives a mysterious phone call asking Chit to do 13 tasks, each one more extreme than the other. How far does he go to live the life he thinks he deserves.
Totaly unexpected plot, especialy coming from an unknown unproven country like Thailand. The story of a 'down on his luck' innocent guy given a horrible choice to make a change in his life is a story that i can never get enough of. Possibly its because of the theme hitting so close to home, forcing the viewere to think, how much money or what would i give up to get something i truly think i deserve. This film handles that topic properly and with justice, withough getting to the absurd and mearly getting on with the sensless killing/shock treatment. Sure there are lots of loose plot threads, and key directing/story telling mistakes but hay, this came from a country that is new to the Cinema Arts.

Riko's Rating: B