Friday 28 March 2008

Hot Rod

2007- Comedy

Looking at my list i realized that i haven't seen any comedies yet this year. I mean, sure there were films soo bad that it was funny but nothing viewed that was actually classified as an actual 'Comedy' well, this should remedy that.


Rod aspires to be the worlds (or at least his communities)greatest stuntman, his self illusions of grandeur and awesomeness has finally been put to the test when he finds out that his Step-Father needs medical help. Rod now must use his skills (?) to make money and safe his Step-Father so that he may kill him himself.


This, in my opinion, is the Funniest movie of last year. Ive always shunned comedies due to it 'trying too hard' and brain dead humor (i'm looking at you 'Grandma's Boy'/'Knocked Up') and nothing about enjoyment, and fun of Comedies of yesteryear. This movie had lots of heart, and took you to a world were time is totally displaced (looked like the film took place in the 80's but had current technology) and even goofs around with it as well. This movie is Highly imaginative, and Extremely Hilarious!

Riko's Rating: A+

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