Monday 31 March 2008

Fog of War


Growing up with my mothers side of the family i have an uncle that loved to talk about war, but most notably World War 2. I could only imagine the life he must have been exposed to during those years of battle, fear, and uncertainty. To him, America was the Saviors, and protectors of our nation. It was by chance to view this film, to be honest i totally forgot about it even being in my netflix list. I forced myself to view this film hoping that by viewing this with an audience would soften the boring blow.


In 2000, Mr. Errol Morris interviewed Robert Strange McNamara for his PBS series. What ended up was a feature length film about Mr. McNamara's work on WW2, The Cold War, and Vietnam. Mr. McNamara recalls situations, key decisions and reveals to the audience how close to a Nuclear Destruction we truly were if not for chance gambits, and incorrect data.


If i was a teacher in High School, or someone that had authority, i would have this mandatory viewing. I guarantee that the students would be reminded the times the world was so close to Mutual Destruction. I was never in the edge of my seat viewing documentaries till now. The logic Mr. McNamara describes the situations, and the madness of human history showes full bloom on his unrepentant decisions on the Wars and lives it cost us, without having him look like the 'Bad Guy' in most angled Documentaries.

Riko's Rating: A-

Saturday 29 March 2008

Knocked Up


I decided to check out the other supposed 'funniest movie of the year' of 2007. With me already claiming "Hot Rod" the funniest, i wanted to relay view the competition. Well, here we go.

Loser guy accidentally impregnates a beautiful young woman. things turn for the worse when they realize that they were not 'meant for each other'. Can the 2 work out their differences and work things out before the babies arrival?

This was a surprise. I thought that this was going to be another 'T&A' movie. Well, if anything, this film is a truly funny Date movie. The plot is simple enough, but try not to follow all the little plot threads, like their porn sites, possible themes of adultery, or the inconsistency of how much money the 'Loser' really has, who's house is he staying in. I do enjoy the cameo appearances of other stars.

Riko's Rating: C

Friday 28 March 2008

Saw IV

Just as I thought that the final of the Saw series was 3, the unusual follow up comes out of nowhere. If anything the creative contraptions of doom, and puzzles constantly snag me to view this film.
Everything just the same as the original, and then some, Jigsaw is dead, the woman that was supposed to take his place failed her test in the last film, and a new Jigsaw is continuing his Mission. This film is more focused on the original Jigsaw back story and what lead him this path of sinister healing.
This film was interesting and sadistic, not for the squeamish. The movie as a whole, i must give props for this due to the fact that if you haven't seen the past saws, you dont have to worry. The problem I have with this film is that the plot is beginning to repeat itself. The twist was not shocking, and the characters are nothing more that devices to lead to more devices of Death. The viewers never really get to 'know' the pieces of the puzzle.
Riko's Rating: C

The Shephard: Border Patrol

2008-Action-Jean Claud Van Damme month

The final Week of Damme month concludes with his most recent work. Very fitting to see his highest movie/break away film roll (Universal Soldier) to his newest film, almost a 'Where are they now'.


JCVD is a cop from New Orleans transfered to a small town of Columbus New Mexico. His job is to uphold the Border and prevent illegals and possible terrorists in crossing the border. Things go from Bad to worse because of a defected group of military special forces decide to smuggle drugs into the states. JCVD must find a way to stop the trafficking and bring peace to this small American town.


Yep, you guessed it right, this is NOT the cover of the movie, the image you see is just a generic pic i found in the net of JCVD. This must be a waring enough to warren everyone that this film sucks. Well to be completely honest this film was better than 'Hard Corps' but that is to say that the directing, acting, action, plot, EVERYTHING is slightly below average/mediocre and puts everyone to sleep. My how the mighty has fallen, well Therese still hope for the new movie "JCVD" thats coming out to theatres this year, kinda like a Bio-Mockumentary flick staring JCVD and his life. Lets just hope he doesnt mention anything about this movie.

Riko's Rating: F-

Hard Corps

2006-Action- Jean Claud Van Damme Month entry
Well, week #3 of Damme Month continues, with another nail biter.
We missed out a Damme review last week and so we did a double feature this week to make it up.
JCVD is a Iraq war veteran with a mysterious past. Vivica A. Fox is the younger sister of the Heavy Weight Champion of the World. The 2 world collides when a Gangster/Rapper is freed from prison and seeks revenge on the former Heavy Weight Champ. JCVD is hired and is called to protect the Champs Family without knowing the truth behind his Dishonorable Discharge in the Military.
This film was Hilarious! The main Villain was to laugh at, the sound track ridiculous, and the acting horrendous. Due to the 3 misshapes this caused the film to be laughably entertaining. The constant 'fish out of water' joke of JCVD in a Black Hip-Hop movie is to be watched and enjoyed, the action was comical and yet memorizing due to an aged JCVD verses young martial arts upstarts.
Riko's Rating: D

Hot Rod

2007- Comedy

Looking at my list i realized that i haven't seen any comedies yet this year. I mean, sure there were films soo bad that it was funny but nothing viewed that was actually classified as an actual 'Comedy' well, this should remedy that.


Rod aspires to be the worlds (or at least his communities)greatest stuntman, his self illusions of grandeur and awesomeness has finally been put to the test when he finds out that his Step-Father needs medical help. Rod now must use his skills (?) to make money and safe his Step-Father so that he may kill him himself.


This, in my opinion, is the Funniest movie of last year. Ive always shunned comedies due to it 'trying too hard' and brain dead humor (i'm looking at you 'Grandma's Boy'/'Knocked Up') and nothing about enjoyment, and fun of Comedies of yesteryear. This movie had lots of heart, and took you to a world were time is totally displaced (looked like the film took place in the 80's but had current technology) and even goofs around with it as well. This movie is Highly imaginative, and Extremely Hilarious!

Riko's Rating: A+

Saturday 22 March 2008

He was a Quiet Man

Christian Slater/Elisha Cuthbert

You may have guest it, this past few weeks I have been in an Indi-Film craze. This move i thought was going to be a long shot and possibly the weakest of the lineup. I mean, its Christian Slater for goodness sake, the past few films have been F+ at best, with recent films like "Persude" and "Alone in the Dark"

The movie is about a man, Bob, working in the life less maze we call corporate America. Bob's been working up the nerve to finaly go 'Postal' and fire his 6 shooter at his office mates/managers, then one day he befor he can do the act himself, another man goes first. Bob ends up killing the man and becomes an instant hero. Life is well but how long can he go on?

Like i said earlier, i thought this film was the weakest link in my lineup, and i was totaly wrong. I didn't expect a movie that had real depth and actualy show the drive of a man that wants to show his existance. From a psycological film to a romantic strange tale of quadropligic love and death being mercy. Acting was amazing, story is unpredictable, and the directing style was just right.

Riko's Rating: A

Friday 21 March 2008


2007-Indipendent Film
It was a pure mistake to end the week with a film like this. I thought that this film would be 'alright' and decent but it exeeded all my expectations!
Steve Buscemi is a 'Political Pundant' forced to interview a Hot up and comming actress (Sienna Miller). He starts off with the worlds worse interview by not reading or knowing about the person and is indifferent about her till he discoveres a deeper more puzziling history and the forces that drive her, as he must devulge some shadows of his own to win her trust.
I kept the Synopsis short for the reason that i dont want to ruin the ending/story line.
This film remindes me of why i fell in love with Theatre/Acting and the Arts. The Directing and Acting was done my Buscemi=Great. Sienna Miller realy shinned on her part, and the script/story amazing. The movie isn't an epic or thinks of itself too grand, but a real down to earth understanding of 2 individuals in 2 different sides of the spectrum trying to force the other side to do something it is not accostomed to do... to Trust. I loved this movie, the simplicity, mood, and dynamic fell together so perfectly. A must Watch.
Riko's Rating: A+

Thursday 20 March 2008



One of the movies I loved so much was the movie "Leon the Proffesional", an instant clasic. Another movie i had lots of fun watching in my youth was "The 5th Element". Now heres a film by the same director, in black and white, with an interesting motif.


A looser finds himself with his lies catching up on him. All his fake stories of being a forgin drug dealer/American socialite as finally placed his back on the wall. Then as he was going to commit suicide he meets a beutiful woman on the same bridge. The 2 then form a bond, the woman forever in his debt due to him saving her life. Things go from one thing to another as the looser finaly finds his real self and the mysterious woman her reasons.


I love the director. The acting from the 'looser' was great, and the cinematography was amazing utilizing Paris as another character itself. Almost as if the city iteslf was being affecting the movies characters and emotions. The biggest problem i have was the general storie. It lead to nowhere and then a last min. tension which practicly came out of left field, questioning the directors reasoning as of why even doing this twist. Plot predictable, and the story of self discovery, independance, and starting life over again ends with the notion of the 'Looser' finding someone to depend on to take care of all his problems.... and love?

Riko's Rating: D+

Sunday 16 March 2008

Altered States


In the mood to keep my sanity in check. For the sake of maintaining absolute difference in uniform sociaty I needed to watch something to ballance my normacy. Van Damme Month has reminded me that i am still the product of the 90s and of its pop culture and Nostalgic medium. Needed to break away from this commercial toxin and jump into the wild mindbending world of Pseudo Sciences.


A Scientist nominated for the nobel prize attempts to break the barrier of the human mind. He attempts to use Hallucienagenic drugs and a watter tank to see if he can 'Devolve' his mind to reach 'First Thought' . This reaserch drives him to the brink of insanity and with an Altered State of Mind De-evolved to a neandathal, or point of begining of existance himself. where the rabbit hole end is nothing compaired to the trials and difficulties he gains mentaly and physicaly.


This movie is wild and keeps you in the edge of your seat to the end. Questions your ideas of the word 'Absolute' and even takes you to the psycidelic trip through images and uncomfortable moments. Great Acting, and eerie sound track, but I must warn you that this film isn't for everyone, i would only recomend this film to the Science Minded, and for people who dont take cinema too seriously.

Riko's Rating: B+

Friday 14 March 2008

Universal Soldier

Week #2 of Damme Month Continues!
This week has been a blast from the past, in one of 'JCVDs' biggest movies/money makers to date, The Universal Soldiers. I mean what is a Damme Month withough at least one Memorable movie High?
2 Soldiers, relics from the Vietnam War are brought back to life through a mixture of Science and Millatary Use. Along with other experiments to be the geates Soldiers any Millatary would love to have. Little did they know that these particular 2 have a bitter hatred toward eachother amounting to both thier deaths.
I must say that this film truly does stand the tests of time. 16years later and the film still has action cues still being used today. Dolf Lungran totaly shines in this film, showing his full Acting Scope, and good ol JCVD? best pick up line EVER!
Riko's Rating: B-

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Nightmare Detective

In a country rife with nutty liniar though comes another creepy story that is to make a person thing of the sound of one hand claping.
A man that can enter dreams is haunted with a past of being a freak. A rookie woman detective, top of her class has her first experience with a suicide that she deems a murder and a killer that kills in your dreams. The thing that ties everything together is the idea of Suicide and the futility of life.
I guess this proves the saying of the sound of one had claping, meaning nothing.... empty, and afterwards you get to hear a little acidic throwup going up your throught not due to the 'Shock and Violence' but the idea that people actualy think this is a Horror film. What makes things worse is the fact that the director/writer tries to make you think 'Deep Thoughts' about living life in an abstract underwater with a sunken sub (to show how deep it is i guess?) as if it is an excuss of the director to make you feel bad if you dont get it, but what it realy says is that the director doesnt know what to do and this film belongs next to your old 'scary stories' journal you wrote back in 5th grade cuz it mad you pee in your pants.
Riko's Rating: F

Monday 10 March 2008

The Crying Freeman

This film is legendary for me. My uncle (now pastor) Sam used to read the comic back in his youth in the Philippenes. Once I remembered telling him I was into Japanime and he reffered to this comic then realizing i was only 11years old telling me to forget about it. Yea, legendary.
An artistic pottery maker named Yo had an exibition in N.Y. and discovers a roll of film negatives (eat that digital era) disguarded in one of his Vases. He attmepts to turn it into the police and gets caught by the ones in the picture, an anchent Chinese Mafia sociaty. He then is cursed to do thier bidding and every kill he makes he cryies. If the Sociaty finaly agrees upon if his work is finaly satisfactory, he will be a Freedman. Hence the title "Crying Freedman".
This movie is brutal, and doesnt let off.
The plot is idiotic, and simple, alomst doesnt make sence but the action, and quality (especialy for its time) is amazing. This is worth watcing only if you are into the throwback anime 80s and if like me, you want something to enjoy and laugh out loud ridiculous.
Rikos Rating: C+

Justice League: The New Frontier


The trend that is sweeping Hollywood by storm is the Superhero genre. Everything from Batman, Spiderman, and even lesser ones like Hellboy gets love in the movie world due to its 'easy' guaranteed fanbase, and automatic buzz. But among all the live action big budget films, to most, they hold nothing compaired to the animated series/movies. 'Batman Mask of the Phantasm' far better than the older Batman movies, 'Superman Doomsday' better than Superman Returns, the list goes on and on.


Its the 1950s and the cold war is underway. Everyone is terrified of the threat of nuclear war, and the sudden rush of the superhuman community is causing civil unrest. Some Heros registered but most retired and or continued withought support from thier government, nor other fellow commrads. A misterious creature known only as the Center feels it is his duty to wipe out mankind do to it being the Earths Leaches. The Heros in hiding and unawaire of the impending doom ahead of them, can they unite and creat a strong force in time?


I must say that this film has got to be the greatest Superhero Film Ever! It has fan service (not the anime kind you perv) and many cameo apperences of heros. But the big shocker is the focus and narratives of the film itself, not by the 'Big 3' but by other A-listers but always lost in the shadows. A must watch for those of you that want to see an authentic superhero film withought the 'Kiddie' crap that most expect in this genre.

Riko's Rating: A+

Sunday 9 March 2008

The Lives of Others

In movies involving Forgin Cinema its difficult to relate to the culture, time period, and or characters, exept if the movie simple and general. In most forgini films we are forced to watch some sensless background/explination or even a slight history lesson to get us upto date.
This film however cuts the 'fat' and has you in a voigeristic sense, get involved in the characters from a distance.
Set in the backdrop of East Germany 1980s, is a government orginization that specializes on interigation and setting wire taps on possible conspirators of the socialistic government.
When a successful playwright and his actress companion become subjects of the Stasi's secret surveillance program, their friends, family and even those doing the watching find their lives changed too.
To say this film blew me away is downright an understatement. I feel a bit dead inside in almost forcing myself into watching this film at first thinking, "why did i want this again?" mentality.
The first few min. of the film sets the pace and doesnt let go. A must see film for those who seek something different.
Riko's Rating: A+

Friday 7 March 2008

Battlestar Galactica: Season 1

If you ever ask a Sci-Fi fan what are classics in there genre, most will point at Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, and to a lower 'Pop-Sci-Fi' person, Star Wars.

To me, after finishing the 1st season, i now understand how it felt when the original Star Trek first aired on TV. All i can say is WOW, best Sci-Fi TV series i have ever seen, and the character development gets you involved.

This is an Experience, not everyone can handle, not because your not smart enough or imaginative, its gonna keep you on the edge of your couch and keep you awake till the DVD ends and you scramble for the next DVD.

Riko's Rating: A+

Stipulation on the Minotaur

1) Due to my Netflix situation of them dicking me around and not supplying me with a proper stream of movies/entertainment only i realy know that the majority of my reviews are videos i've already own/borrow/just bought. So yea dont be missled on the constant Views on my feed, its all smoke and mirrors, lesson: Netflix sucks Euro-Donkeys.

2) For me it takes a long time to finish an Anime Series (especialy the ones that have over 15 empisodes). so from now on, I'll keep the Anime/TV series to more of an organized viewing.
Meaning i'll start one series meeting it with a quick blog of what it is, and a final blog once i finish the series.

This month i've already started with "Heat Guy J" season 1.
So far nothing 'Amazing' but i do enjoy the music, a techno/old scottish blend, and the art style is smooth and.... well... stylish.
My Brother bought this film and claims it to be good. so i've come to test his credibility.

Rojin Z

For years now i always considered this film to be on of the greats, due to its lovable characters, Sci-Fi lite ideas, and its veiws of the elderly. I was now i considered it a 'Great' due to the fact that as a 12 year old and my older friend that showed me this film said that it was awsome i agreed even though i couldn't totaly grasp the scope of the movie. Well now, 7 years latter, a more (hopefuly ) mature Riko steps back into plate and view this film with its total unfiltered nature.
In this near future, Japan has an overflow of Elderly and a Nursing/Medical field that can bearly keep up with its demands of care and treatment. A bubbly Nurse named Haruko assists an old helpless man that everyone gave up on including his family and lack of funds for hospital care. One day an upstart company creates an ultimate 'Bed' with practicaly living AI to care and treat the elderly and the old mans family signs his life for the experiment. One thing leads to another, the AI discoveres itself or quite possibly is posses by the old mans departed wife.
Its everything i remember when it comes to the Animation. Amazing, and totaly creative. At times of viewing this film i couldnt help but feel saddened by the way american cinema abandoned this medium. The plot, though paper thin, was sweet and to the point. I enjoyed the way the theme of this film is that the elderly are amazing and that they are rich with history and to not be forgoten in a world focused on selfish ambitions and forward thinking. I enjoyed this film
I rate this film:

Thursday 6 March 2008

Old Boy


For the sake of my unleavened room mates i needed to show them something that they would not be able to scrub out of there brains till all that's left is a marble shaped object only to find out that it was your left testicle.

Daisun is taken in the middle of a busy Korean street. Left in a room for 15 years for reasons unknown and looses his mind. Upon his release, for reasons unknown Daisun seeks revenge on the people that made him go through this tribulation. Revenge and utter animalistic vengeance.

Must watch for those high horse 'Hitchcock' hussies. This film takes you to places, uncomfortable ones, and forces you to grasp the situation and actually hope the sick deranged bastard wins, even to the point of moral ambiguity. Watch this with that hot girl you've been eying in the office and you are a definite shoe in! Good Luck!
Riko's Rating: A


2001- Martial Arts/Action

Its March and it is "Damme Month" so every Wednesday were looking at Van Damme in his most recent work. This week we watched "Replicant"

Van Damme is a Cereal Killer constantly stumping our hero Michael Rooker. Rooker retires his career as a cop a looser due to the 5 years attempting to arrest Damme. A seceret Gov. Organization figured out that the only way to capture the Killer is to clone him and find him, hoping that the 'Killer' inside the clone doesn't manifest.

Wow, how the mighty has fallen. i may need a replicant to abuse to for no good reason here to make myself feel better about myself. The action is very stretched out, and the story too stupid for anyone to follow. The only saving thing with this film is the Horrible acting of Michael Rooker where he must have learned his craft from Macho Man Randy Savages Acting College. Is Rooker happy? concerned? exited? angry? it is for your interpretation. The other thing is the constant Van Damme abuse. He gets beat down on this film helplessly cuffed to a pipe and barley clothed at least 3 times! I watch this film if you truly are a man of low self esteem and an unclear view of your manliness.
Riko's Rating: C-

Saturday 1 March 2008

Chinese Hercules

1973-Martial Arts- Forgin
Bolo Young, as the Chinese Hercules.
Story of a guy (who is supposed to be the villages great martial artist) kills his girlfriends brother then due to the guilt runs away to a remot pier and works for slave wages.
Eventualy develops a name of a coward and a nancy boy, till a syndicate decides to take over his Pier laying off all the workers and for those who refuse to quit gets manhandled by the Chinese Hercules.
yep, you heard it right!
the Chinese Hercules (Bolo) is not the main star, let alone even named or refered as the 'Chinese Hercules'. Poor Bolo.... he had a screen time of around 5 min. in this horibly directed/ploted story. Should you watch it? No, unless you enjoy penis clamps.
Riko's Rating: F+

Days of Being Wild

1991- Drama- Forgin


Several seperate stories intertwine taking place in the 1950's Hong Kong. Leslie Chung stars as a giggalo/player cairlessly wooing women withought care for thier heart, and the women scorn from the effects. You discover each persons drive in searching for Love, and the Shallow reveation of each ones need of it.


I couldnt stand it. I know its won several awards, directed by one of my favorite Directors Wong Kar Wai, and very artsy, but it just felt too monotone. The characters were not relatable, and the pacing would even frustrate snails.

Dont waste your time, you could watch Wong Kar Wai's better films like "In the Mood for Love" or "2046".

Riko's Rating: C