Friday 15 February 2008


What can i say? I'm a sucker for Sci-Fi.
At first glance i thought this film would be more to the lines of "The Day after Tomorrow" or even "ID4".
In some ways it was, but so much more.
In the Future, the sun runs low and the earth is a cold mess (like 'The Day After Tomorrow'). The now united earth government rallys the best scientists the world has to offer and atempt to re-ignite the sun.
The team vanishes out of contact, so the 2nd stringers, the REAL last hope and all thats left with the Earths sciences are left to do the task.
If anything i would compaire the film to the likes of the underrated "Event Horizon". a lot of science and logic vs. the unknown and the limits of man.
I would recomend this film to those who are looking for a good Sci-Fi story, the trailer lies! Promising TONS of action and great visual effects. The Latter is true, but jumps from realistic to un recognizable, but the Former is a dud.
Special points go out to Michel Yeo for doing a film with NO MARTIAL ARTS.

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