Friday 15 February 2008


Action- 2008-

Wow, the long awaited Swan Song. Its been years since the last one, Rambo in Afganistan fighting off the russians, almost 20 years ago.

That film was a mere shadow of its former self, or at least the original one.

And now.... it puts a tear on my eye in saying that those 20 years of waiting were worth it. I didnt mind that the Cornel was not directly involved with this film, or that Rambo needed assistance with mercinary aid (well sort of). But this Rambo film will go down as The Manliest Film of the Year of 08.

Yep, you heard me!

2008 has just begun and already we found a champion.


Rambo is in Thailand as a Snake Catcher, a bunch of Missionaries arrive and ask for his help sending them to Burma so that they can make a difference in the Genocide taking place. After some time thinking it over, Rambo agrees and takes them there.

After a few weeks the Missionaries were missing, the Church sends some "Mercs" to rescue them and asks Rambo for help.

In the end you get that theme of people making a difference in the midst of oppression and power struggle. Rambo finaly goes 'Full Circle' (funny enough a theme that was started but dissmissed on the last Rambo film).

I cant recomend this movie enough!
Memories of Honor, Courage, and Taking the First Blood to achieve something you believe in, and trying to understand things that dont make sence.
Rambo isn't a smart man, a simple understanding and hard experience made him, and I'm glad to view this film and witness its final "Good Bye"

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